Clyde is a purple yoshi with red hair similar to the Yoshi kid from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, brown-orangeish spines, blue boots, and a yellow "N" on his left cheek.
Personality Info
Add a personality here, a paragraph would work best but a list might work out ok! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie dolor eu tellus lacinia, vitae convallis sem consectetur. Integer ullamcorper lectus sit amet est congue, sit amet hendrerit nisl convallis. Nulla pellentesque, mauris eget lacinia lobortis, leo metus efficitur arcu, accumsan pretium nunc dui eu est. Etiam convallis ipsum sit amet dolor auctor, vel vestibulum sem scelerisque. Sed vitae velit tempor, consectetur enim id, porttitor nisi.
actually the N on his left cheek was something he just drew with sharpie cause he thought it looked cool
unlike most yoshis, Clyde indeed CAN eat a few enemies other yoshis couldn't (which would have to be about 1.5x the size of him)
and the white region only ending all the way to the bottom and not all the way to the bottom of his tail is intentional
This code by @GalaxyFlowers